The holidays can be a drag, not only on the preparation but on your budget. These meals can help decrease both of those. Using cheaper, but tasty cuts of beef can help with that cost. Sirloin, though sounds like it can be tough, need low and slow cooking to help break up that collagen. You can also prepare the potatoes the day before help with cooking tomorrow. The meal also includes a crisp, another great “Make ahead” that cooks up well the day off but is beautifully heated up and with ice cream. Add a salad and you have a well-balanced meal.

Key Takeaways:

  • Start with sirloin roast, a cheaper cut that cooks well slow and low and is flavorful.
  • Making a crisp is an easy thing to prepare ahead of time and has few ingredients
  • Tie it all together with a salad for a balanced meal that is easy to prep and easy on the wallet.

“We all like to go big at the holidays, even if we’re working on a smaller budget. An elegant roast beef dinner doesn’t have to break the bank, and it definitely doesn’t have to leave you toiling in the kitchen all day.”

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